Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Few More Vintage Signs

I haven't posted any vintage signs in a while. But believe me, I am always on the lookout for them. I will pull over on the side of the road, backtrack, or return to a sign at a later date if I can't photograph it at that moment.
I just love them.
The colors, the type, the words, the worn and weather beaten quality are all things that make them work for me.
I love that they are often kitchy.
But sometimes they are just cool.
Or beautiful.

I credit my ever increasing appreciation for old signs to my husband. He has taught me so much about seeing art in unexpected places. I consider myself very fortunate to live with an artist.
Obviously, he loves old signs too. In fact, he just finished a painting of one. I love it. It just got varnished, but when it is ready, it will be hanging in my kitchen. I can't wait.
Don't worry, I'll post pictures.

The signs are from:
1. Pedros Tacos --Fallbrook, CA
2. Pedros Tacos--Fallbrook, CA
3. The Red Kettle --Idyllwild, CA
4. The Grey Squirrel--Idyllwild, CA

I hope to see you here tomorrow with a post about my favorite lunch salad. But my kids are sick, so it may or may not happen.
Here's hopin it does.

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