Friday, May 21, 2010

A Little of This and That

It's been rather a crazy week. (See here) I haven't had much time for blogging, or any time really. Sometimes it's just like that.
I have hopes for the weekend. I have notebook pages full of ideas for blogs and I am itching to get them on the screen. We'll see.
Until then, I'll leave you with a few goodies to take you sailing into the weekend.

#1 I don't usually do product endorsement, but this one took me by surprise and I just had to share it with you. You know I am particular about my cleaning products. I mostly use vinegar to clean. But for laundry I use soap, of course.
Usually I use the Trader Joe's laundry detergent and I could not be happier. It is a good price, a little goes a looong way, I recognize all the ingredients and I think it cleans my clothes very well.
But I forgot to buy a new bottle on my weekly shopping trip and laundry was piling up. We were at Target and I couldn't bear taking the 3 to yet another store. So I decided to give this a whirl.
I got the small bottle in case I didn't like it. It was $6.99 and says it does 25 loads. I think I'll get more out of it cause I never use as much detergent as they say to use. I really like how small it is. I like the ingredient list, they were out of unscented but this one isn't bad, and I think it does a fine job cleaning my clothes.
But the part I love best is that pump. Really. I love it. Normally I don't quibble that much about "time or labor saving" devices. I mean, what's the big deal with an extra step?
But this pump on the laundry soap is fantastic. Even if I don't keep using the detergent, I'll just decant my regular stuff into this bottle. It's easier, cleaner and faster. It's a win.
Why don't you try out a small bottle and tell me what you think?

#2 I love to read cookbooks. Don't you? I just got this one from the library and I am loving it. It is one I may just have to own and I don't say that often about a cookbook.
She makes me want to try making our own pasta noodles, and to whip up a rustic plum tart.
I am especially enjoying the soup chapter. A big bowl of minestrone sounds really good right now.
#3 The kids and I were part of a bake sale this morning. We made our famous banana bread. But this time we added chocolate chips. And, wow.
It took our banana bread to a whole new level. I will share the recipe with you next week. And also that Ewok hut you've been asking about too. I promise.

Hope your weekend is just what you want it to be. And I hope mine will be too!
Happy Friday, Friends.
Love from,


  1. so do you pump the soap right into the washing machine cup? Is it foamy like hand soap? And yes, please share that recipe. Sounds delish!
    On another note, we didn't end up going for a hike yesterday. My kids wanted to stay home and play with some of Syd's new toys, so we did just that. Thanks though for the great information...I know we will be visiting there soon, hopefully before it heats up!

  2. Lidia's Italy is the best cooking show! It's on PBS and she does travelling through Italy segments in between recipes. Such a lovely half hour vacation.


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