Monday, June 28, 2010

Swoon Worthy: A Turquoise Typewriter

I got one.  
A typewriter.  
A turquoise typewriter.
And you know how I feel about turquoise.

Last Sunday, Father's Day, I sent Aaron to the Long Beach Flea Market.  That was his Father's Day present.  The man is ridiculously hard to shop for, and since he just had his birthday, I could not conjure up another gift idea.
So I suggested he go pick one out for himself.  
And a few hours spent browsing through aisles of vintage treasures, sans kids, isn't so bad either.
He came home with this.
For me.
He rocks.

I didn't send it back.
It was put to use immediately.  And my suspicions were confirmed.
We are going to need a few more of these bad boys.
All day long I hear the clickety clack, the thwack, the ding, the glorious sounds of that turquoise typewriter in use.
James is typing signs, letters, he wants to write a whole book.
What a great way for him to interact with letters.
Lilly uses it.
William uses it.
I use it.
It is sitting next to our favorite phone and we play office with them.

So now the hunt begins again.
Did they make red typewriters?  Orange?  Pink?
Can you imagine a whole shelf of brightly colored typewriters?
Swoon worthy indeed.
I need to start saving up.

Happy Monday friends.  I'll be back later with some of my finds from a great craft show I went to yesterday, Patchwork Long Beach.
Love from,


  1. I love that turquoise typewriter, and yes indeed there are orange ones. You can see my 1969 orange typewriter in action at (
    Thanks for sharing,

  2. I only wish I had a turquoise typewriter when I used to play "office". So cool.


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