Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Patchwork Long Beach Part 3 -- The Final Favorites List

Here it is.  The last post about Patchwork Long Beach.  I hope you have checked out the artists I have featured and that you will support them.  These people are following their passions and I admire that.  And buying something handmade is so much better than getting something made by the million in some factory on the other side of the planet.
Buy American!  Buy Handmade!

OK, enough soapbox.  I fell in love instantly with this artist--a food artist.  Come to find out she is also one of Patchwork Long Beach's founders and she owns this store.  
Can you guess what her wares were?

Just some of the most amazing jams I have ever tasted.

And best of all, we actually did taste them.  She definitely thought outside the box.  There was a Meyer lemon jam that was to die for.  This one was a chipolte raspberry jam and the combination of sweet, spicy and smokey made me take seconds and want 5ths.  
I so want to make jam.

There were lots of other things for sale too.  Pickles and relishes.  Even lavender lemonade.  Yum!

She offers canning classes at her store for people like me who want to can and are a bit intimidated by the whole process.  Look at the class schedule here.  And be sure to take a peek at all the other classes.  It is an impressive list.  Intro to welding anyone?

Thank you Delilah for inspiring me, yet again, to make the leap and try canning.

This next food artist sold goods from all over Orange County. Isn't it pretty?

These women are beekeepers and have hives from one end of the OC to the next.  They do it all from collecting to making the honey.  Well, the bees do that, but you know what I mean.  
If you  have never tasted honey from outside one of those blasted honey bears at the store, you haven't lived.  Do yourself a favor and go to a local farmers market,  There is sure to be someone selling honey.  Try it.  You'll taste the difference.  
And if you live around here, try this honey.  It is really, really good.  We need to support our honeybees. They are having some problems these days and they are pretty important.  Get honey here.

Last on my list, a unique and inspiring group.

Think old fashioned quilters circle.  A bunch of crafty and creative people getting together to make things.  Each person brings their own project.  It might be sewing, painting, blogging or even making pinwheels.  Like the ones the Makers League was making with the kids at Patchwork.

One f the best parts abut the Makers League, in my book at least, is that they do not leave good food out of the equation.  1 Saturday morning a month they get together to eat and make.  It sounds like a pretty great combination.  I am so hoping I can make it some time.
See the Makers League info here and founder Heather's blog here.

There were so many more great artists at this fair.  I wish I could show them all.  But maybe this will inspire you to find an Indie Craft Fair where you are and see for yourself all the beautiful things that are being made by hand.  
Happy crafting!
Love from,


  1. Awesome! Very inspiring. It all looks delicious. But please, for the love of honey, use a font other than Papyrus for those honey tags! I would donate graphic design services if need be! :)

  2. Dad said that Len,across the street from church, has plums. I will try to score some for you. Plum jam. Yum!

  3. I want to can with you! I have done pickles this year but not jams thus far. Do you own a pressure canner?


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