Monday, August 9, 2010

Renegade Craft Fair LA: Some Faves for Your Walls

I don't know about you, but summer is wearing me out.  
Long days at the beach, or even in the back yard, late bed times for the kids and lots of fun leave me falling asleep early every night.  
I am not getting anything done.
Projects.  Laundry.  Blogging.
(with the exception of my weekend alone in which I painted the laundry room for big time fun)
I am trying to let it go and just enjoy the swift and sweet days of summer.  

To fully illustrate this summer time drag, this post about the Renegade Craft Fair should have been up 2 weeks ago.  That is when I went.

It was fabulous.  I could have spent hundreds of dollars.
I didn't.  Aaron might have frowned.
But I wanted to.
I took hundreds of pictures instead.
So to start your week off right, I offer you some of my favorite finds from the Renegade Craft Fair LA.

We'll begin with things for your walls.

This print by James Gulliver Hancock, can be found at  Reform School in Silverlake.  I love Silverlake.  I think it would be very sweet in our bedroom, don't you?

This is from Nate Duval.  This was one of many that I liked.  you should check out his blog too.

Sorry for the terrible glare on this picture.  Just go to Nan Lawson's shop and you'll love her stuff as much as I did.
I think this one would be great in the laundry room.  I also like "This Too Shall Pass."  It reminds me of my mom.

Also check out her photos.  And her blog.  
How can I not love her?  Turquoise typewriter.  Need I say more?

This is another one I like for our bedroom.  Sweet isn't it?  You won't find it in their shop, but you can drop them a line and ask how you can get one for yourself and your sweetie.

Besides these fantastic wall art pieces, Dee and Lala have simply wonderful letterpress cards of every sort.  You'll want to browse their shop.

I really enjoyed the posters at Sycamore Street Press.  This one would be great in a kitchen.

And these, beautiful letterpress posters, are just plain funny.  I like them.  See all their goods at their shop.

Jen Hewett's posters are right up my alley.
Red.  Turquoise.  Shoes.

She had cards too.  So many great images.  Go see.

The last one for today is Lulu Dee.  
Oh my word.  I love her stuff so much.
Just check out her shop here

And her booth was my favorite in the whole fair.  Vintage office supply heaven.  Chalkboard, phone, turquoise typewriter, and crazy cork pencil ball thing.  I love it all.

Aren't they amazing?  Please visit the links and look around. 
I'd gladly accept any as a gift.  After all, my birthday was less than a week ago.

I have lots more goodies to share.  But for now, sleep is calling my name.  
Love from,

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