Tuesday, September 28, 2010

On my Walls: Tray Art

I love trays.
I am developing quite a collection.
They are just so handy for serving coffee, dinner on the patio or lots of cupcakes.
For corralling keys, change, phones and sunglasses.
For making a messy stack of papers look neat.
For turning the random bowls of taco sides into a cohesive, delicious presentation.
For elevating the everyday.
And I am all about that.

Trays are also great to hang on the walls.

Like this tray:

I found this tray at IKEA a while ago.
It is $4.  4 stinking dollars people!
Go buy one now because it is too cute to pass up.
I bought 2 so I could have one for hanging and one for serving.

Then I found this tray:

It's quite new.  From this line at Target.
I actually went to 3 different Targets to find this tray.  There was only 1 left at the last Target I went to.  I was slightly ecstatic when I found it.
Yes.  I border on the crazy.
But it was just too perfect for the spot right below my bird tray.
In our office/schoolroom.
For my boy who loves the wondrous workings of the human body.

Art doesn't have to be fancy or formal.
It doesn't have to be paper or in a frame.
It just has to be something you like looking at.
And I am loving looking at these trays on my walls.

Love from,

1 comment:

  1. you know i love trays too. :) and yours are so cute. that new one from target is really great. i've been eyeing that collection, but hadn't seen that one yet. i love it. and i want to see more photos of your house. i heart your style!


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