Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Palm Springs Weekend Series Part 1: The Way There

You may grow weary of the Palm Springs pictures before I am done.
We take a lot of photographs.
In fact, as we began our drive, I asked Aaron, "can we stop whenever we want to take pictures?"
We did.

On route 79 headed East from Temecula.  That's Palomar Mountain in the distance.

A giant cutout of an ice cream cone?  Stop worthy indeed.

Would you just look at all that glorious signage?
You know we have a thing for old signs. 

This might be hanging in my kitchen soon.  The photo--not the sign.
I wish the sign would be hanging in my kitchen soon!

We stopped at a lookout point on the Pines to Palms highway, just before heading down the hill to Palm Springs.
The Yucca plant will be in our new front yard landscape.  Eventually.

Not the famous LA smog, just haze covering the valley floor.  
It was actually cool.  In August.  In the desert.
Well, it was cool for Palm Springs.  The temp never broke 95.
Without the palm tree oasis, the dessert looks very brown.

Then we were at the bottom, looking up.

Another stop.  Another cool sign.

Then, lunch here.
I'll tell you about it tomorrow.
Serious photography eye candy.
I went kinda crazy.

See you tomorrow.
Love from,

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