Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pumpkin Pancakes From, GASP, a Box

You know I am not a fan of boxed food.  I prefer to make most things from scratch.  Not because I am a snob, or a masochist, but because made from scratch tastes better.  It is better for you.  I find it fun to cook from scratch.  Oh, and did I mention it tastes better?

But sometimes a box comes along that surprises me.
Like this one:

I have been searching for a made from scratch pumpkin pancake recipe.  I have not yet found one that I like, so in desperation I tried these.
I am pretty picky about my pancakes.  I do not like boxed pancakes, but these impressed me.  That isn't easy to do, so you might want to give these a try yourself.  Maybe you'll like them, or say, "these stink!  i need to send that girl a good recipe for pumpkin pancakes!"
If you do, I'll be very grateful.
Until then, I'll just mix up these.

They smell quite wonderful cooking on the griddle on a fall morning.  And I don't even mind eating the ones that are a bit burned that the kids won't touch.

I'll be waiting for those recipes.
Love from,


  1. I found a pretty decent boxed belgian waffle mix the other day at Ralph's and I was shocked at how good it was. Made my life much easier :) belgian waffles from scratch are somewhat of a pain.

  2. 'nuff said! ;)


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