Monday, July 18, 2011

Collecting: A New Favorite--Vintage Dansk Kobenstyle Enameled Cookware

Hi friends!  I'm back.
It has been quite a while and I readily admit, I have missed being in this space.
Not there has been heaps of time for blogging.
What with the 4 kids, severe sleep deprivation, learning my way around this new computer and updated programs and such.
But still, I would have fit it in.
As I am now, at 11:57 pm.  Because I plan on being really, really tired tomorrow.
Oh well.
Right now, it's worth it.
(you may not see me back here for a bit as I recoup.  but, whatever.  we're just doing what we can around here these days)

Since I've been away, I have created a big list of things I want to blog about.  
Because I love these beauties so much, they made it to the top of the list.
Behold the cookware of my dreams.

Aren't they beautiful?
The shapes, the handles, the enamelware, the modern lines, the colors, oh sweet mama! the colors!
Yeah.  I like them.
A lot.
Alas, they are not mine.
A sweet friend recently (well not that recently.  i just stink at returning things in a timely fashion) brought a meal over to our house in her awesome pots because she knew how much I'd like them.
Now she probably thinks I am planning on keeping them.
Meals being brought to you is just one of the many wonderful things about having a baby.
Meals being brought in cool pots is just one more of the many wonderful things about having a baby.
I was so smitten by these pots and pans that I had to take pictures.

And then you get on the internet and you find out where you can purchase your own pots.
Look at this paella pan.
I don't plan on making any paella.
But sitting on my dining room table full of fruit, this pan would make me so very happy.
And yes, in addition to turquoise, I think yellow is beautiful.
It looks pretty great with my red too.

One of the great things about these pots is that they are enamelware.
Like Le Cruset.  But without the price tag.
Besides, I think these are so much better looking than Le Cruset.
These are art.
These I want to display.  Le Cruset belongs in the cupboard.

Why is enamelware so great?
It's non stick without the creepy coating.
You can cook anything in these; for example, deglaze your pan for that beautiful sauce, but not be scrubbing the pan for days.
They can go in the oven or on top of the stove.
They are American made, Danish designed and are vintage; therefore, they have stood the test of time.
I appreciate that.
The only downside in comparison to the Le Cruset line is the weight.
Le Cruset is heavier, so you can do that long slow cook that works best in a heavy bottomed pot.
I may want to add one Le Cruset dutch oven to my collection (you know, when I have an extra $250 laying around to spend on a pot) for that reason.
But aside from that, I am planning on procuring a full arsenal of these Dansk enamelware pots.

They come in all sorts of beautiful, bright colors besides the yellow and the turquoise.
I like almost all of them.
The turquoise is, of course, a favorite.  But also, the yellow, the orange, the white and oh yeah! the red!
I am kind of over the moon about this cookware.
I am ready to have some lovely pots for cooking.
Ours are 13 years old and have not stood the test of time.
They were not pretty to begin with and sure as heck are not now.
I am ready to upgrade.

If you want to know more details about the history of this line, this link from Apartment Therapy is very helpful.
And this one shows some of the other pieces that are available such as pitchers (so want one of those) and tea kettles.
Lastly, if you search for these pots on google, you'll bring up lots and lots of finds.
There are a ton for sale on Ebay and Etsy.
And you will be just as surprised as I was to find that the prices are actually affordable.
I can't wait to start my collection!

Good to be back.
Look for here a bit more often.
As sleep, or lack of it, allows.
Love from,


  1. They're beautiful. Makes me want to love cooking :)

  2. those pots are gorgeous! i think they would inspire me to cook more!
    so glad you popped in to say hello. i hope everything is going well with your new little one & he lets you get a little more sleep soon!

  3. SHUT UP! those are Amazing. seriously. never seen/heard of before. who in the world is cool like that, to share their sweetest pots with you? thanks for sharing the treasure. will go search NOW. xoxoxo

  4. Oh my gracious! These are glorious! Why have I never seen them???

    About the slow cooking dutch oven- I bought mine at TJ Maxx for a fraction of the price. It's cuisanart, not le cruset, but very heavy and cooks wonderfully. I think I spent $45 on it.

  5. They look so perfect in your kitchen! And now I know about enamelware fireplaces! WHAT? Love that turquoise one!


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