Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Modern Little Chicken Coop

No, we did not get chickens.
I have enough animals to take care of at this zoo.
I don't think I am up to the challenge of taking on any more.
But I admit, I do dream.
Of chickens.
Well, not the chickens so much as the eggs.
Fresh eggs.
From my chickens.
Every morning.
It sounds pretty good.
Because, boy oh boy, do I love a soft boiled egg for breakfast.
Or lunch.
Or dinner.
On a salad.
With sauteed veggies.
Or on top of ratatouille.

But we're not getting our own chickens any time soon.
So what's a not-quite-ready-to-take-on-farm-animals-herself-girl to do?
Answer: find a friend who has chickens.
Enter my friend Christina and the Modern Little Chicken Coop designed and built by her husband, Jeff.
These are their chickens. (well, only one is in this picture.  they have 2)

Jeff and Christina don't live on a farm.
They live in a suburban neighborhood in the OC.  Near the beach.
Jeff is a surfboard shaper.
But they wanted chickens.
Or maybe eggs--I don't know.
So Jeff built this adorable little coop for the fluffy little chicks they got a few months ago.

It is small--just the right size for 2 chickens.
I like that the footprint does not take up a lot of space.
You could have a couple of chickens of your own, even in a small backyard.
I also like its clean, simple, modern lines.
And the colors--you know I like those!
There are plenty of places for the kiddos to get up close and personal with the chickens.
Which they love to do.

But my favorite part of this coop are these doors.
They were Avery's design input.
Avery is Jeff and Christina's 6 year old daughter.
She has an eye for design.
Those doors are egg shaped.

Get it?
I wonder if Christina will let me come over and get some eggs from behind those doors?

Another great thing about this Modern Little Chicken Coop is that Jeff designed and painted it to match the aesthetic of the playhouse that he also designed and built for his kids.
You can see the corner of the playhouse behind the chicken coop.
It's green too--with an orange door.
I like that attention to detail.
They're in the same yard, sharing a space and while they are not exactly the same, they obviously go together.  
That's thinking.
But it's no surprise because both Jeff and Christina have an eye for detail. 
Their whole house is like that; full of well thought out touches so that it all works together perfectly.

So, are you inspired to get some chickens of your own?
They're all the rage these days.
All the cool kids have chickens.

And just to prove that point, I'll be showing you another friend's chicken coop later this week.
Cassie's husband Ross built her an amazing chicken coop too.
(that's Cassie of the amazing urban Pocket Square Farm and backyard dinner extraordinaire)
I can't wait to show you.

I do, after all, have a little farm girl in me.
I raised a rabbit in 4th grade.
I was in 4H and showed my rabbit at the fair.
I also worked at the library.
Man I was awesome back then.

I'm linking up to Life Made Lovely today.  
Go take a look for inspiration to start your week.
Love from,

PS  Great post over on my other blog about saying YES! to life and some great posters too.  Take a look!


  1. HI Greta! I'm here from LML. :0)
    I clicked on your submission because we are getting chickens soon! And I love this idea for a coop!!! I never thought to paint the hen house! What a great, fun idea! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I've been contemplating chickens for some time but haven't gotten the courage to take a few on...yet. Love the coop and colors..might have to start on a design for my future "girls"

  3. Greta-
    You should totally get chickens! They are the easiest pets of all. Seriously! We have been chicken owners for close to 4 years. Easy peasy.

    Now- with all that said, if you were to go over to my blog today you would see that just a few days ago we lost our very last chicken to a monster raccoon. So we are now chicken-less. : ( That is something to keep in mind. Predators are real, even in a neighborhood.

  4. I dream of chickens but not the mess. Awesome coop!

  5. greta, thanks for the props. avery and i read this with a smile on our face. thank you for all the kind words and yes, as soon as we get eggs you can have first dibs.
    xoxo, christina

  6. Hi Greta. This is Tammy, Mark's sister. I love reading your blog and seeing all your great mommy experiences.

    I had to comment because I love urban peeps! We had them last year but we purchased a new home and they weren't allowed in our new covenants. The girls were the best and I had the most adorable coop. If you ever get the opportunity to have them, you should. Every recipe tastes better with your own eggs.
    Lots of love to you and your family!
    -Tammy (


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