Thursday, July 8, 2010

Patchwork Long Beach Favorites -- Part 1: The Poster List

Patchwork Long Beach was a week and a half ago.  These posts should have gone up long ago, but this weather and this week have me all messed up in terms of blogging.  So I'm a bit behind.  Cut me some slack--it's summer.

I was so happy that Patchwork came back to Long Beach but also to see it was much bigger than last time!  That means other people have caught on to this great craft fair.  I walked around and snapped photos of some of my favorites.
Here is the first in a long list.

There were so many amazing posters in this booth I asked, 
"where do you find your artists?"
"I'm the artist," said Adam with a smile.
I am impressed.  He is prolific.

There are so many different posters to choose from.  And in so many different styles.
I liked a whole lot of them.

This one, I brought home with me.
Doesn't it look perfect over our library?

Do check out The Poster List.
There are so many great posters you will have a hard time choosing just one.  
And since they are only $10, you don't have to limit yourself.
I think these will become my go to gift.  Everyone likes a good poster--framed or unframed--still always cooler than anything you could get from Target.
Support a local artist.  He's from Long Beach.
Even if you missed out on Patchwork, you don't have to miss out on these great posters.

There is lots more to come from Patchwork.  I can't wait to show you more of my faves.
But for now, I must sleep.
Love from,


  1. those are great Greta! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. i love the one you picked! and now i want to see more photos of your house cause that little library is awesome. more please!!

  3. Thanks Greta!

    Adam - The Poster List


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