Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Where I've Been and Some Beautiful Figs

I know I've been gone a lot.
There has been a lot of life happening lately.
Some of it very good and some of it decidedly not.
There have been adjustments to new routines and schedules, and some how I find myself with a lot less time for me.  The hour or so I spent blogging every night has just disappeared.
We are rolling on a new wave and it has taken a while to adjust to the changes.

That is why it was so nice to take a break from it all last week and spend time in one of my favorite places, the Central Coast.  
It is restorative to me in every way.
I have oodles of pictures and discoveries to share with you, but for now, I'll leave you with these.

Aren't they beautiful?
We bought them at the famous SLO Farmers Market the night before we left.
The produce on the Central Coast blows my mind.
I could move there tomorrow just for the farmers markets.

It was nice to have a taste of vacation the day after, when I was suffering from vacation sickness.  These figs were perfect with my sandwich made on fresh olive bread from the French Bakery in Cambria, (we brought a loaf home) with an heirloom tomato from a small farm near Paso Robles and a ripe avocado from another farm.
I wonder if my kids will grow up thinking every mom takes pictures of lunch or it's just their mom that is the weirdo?

Looking forward to sharing some autumnal goodies with you as well as a lot of Central Coast love.
Hoping I can get back into the swing of things.
Love from,
PS.  I thought these were honey figs, but actually I think they are a kind called Conadria.  I really want to plant a fig tree.  These ones are in the running.


  1. Don't worry, you're not alone in the food picture taking. There have been times when I have to admit, with some embarassment that I've shooed my children away from the dinner table so that I could take a picture first...
    I think it not only comes from our love of the beauty of a good, wholesome meal, but also our desire to show it to someone else who is over 4'5" who will appreciate it as well!

  2. Greta, so good to see you back and can't wait to see more and hear more about your trip to the central coast. thinking of you...love, Valerie

  3. a cool fig to plant is called 'tornado'. The fruit is green and cream striped (outside).

    But definitely go for flavor!!


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