Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Our Kitchen: Before

I can't really call this the before post because there are no after pictures yet.
These are the changes we've made thus far, but the finished project is still a few days away.
My man has been working his tail off with demo to get everything ready for the new counter tops, sink, garbage disposal and dishwasher (did you hear the angels singing right then?) that will all be installed at the beginning of next week.
I really can't believe it because we've been waiting a while for this.  Although I really don't hate my kitchen, I have to admit, I am very, very excited about making these final improvements.

To document where we started and what we've done so far, here's a pictorial tour of our kitchen:

This was our kitchen when we got the keys.  One word: BROWN.
Everything was a shade of brown. From the palest for the walls, cabinets, and appliances, to the counter tops and floor.  It was gag worthy.

This was the original booth and table.  Excuse me while I gag again.
We liked the idea of the booth, but it needed a very different execution.
You can see the floor better in this picture.  It was a many shades of brown vinyl.  Do not ever mistake vinyl for linoleum.  
I won't be your friend anymore if you do.
That vinyl had to go.

So we started with the floor.
RED, baby!  I wrote a whole post about it here.
I can't say enough good things about linoleum and about the color we chose.
There is a reason linoleum is used in grocery stores and schools--it's tough.
Scratches, cuts, scuffs all of them simply fade away.  Without any help from me.
And this color, well, it hides everything.  I have 3 little kids who eat in here all day long.
I need all the help I can get.
And really, how can you not love a red kitchen floor?

Next my wonderful father and husband washed down all the walls and cabinets many, many times over and painted everything a bright and shiny white.  That white nearly caused my father to disown me.
How many coats of white does it take to cover formerly brown cabinets?
It's still hard for him to talk about.
The kitchen is the only room in our house that is white.  With a red floor, and someday colored counter tops, we felt that white was a good choice to start with.

Aaron also replaced the baseboards with tall ones, painted black.  At first I thought he was crazy, but next to the floor, the black really works.

All that white made the kitchen so much brighter, lighter and a place I now really wanted to be.

We got rid of the brownish, 70s stove and installed this 1950s one we found on Craig's list.
I have wanted a vintage stove for a long time.
This one has a griddle.

And a pie rack!  Come on!  A pie rack?  I should be making pies every day.
It isn't a Viking, nor is it in perfect condition, but I really love my stove.

We got rid of the old booth and table immediately and as we found the right pieces, we installed a new booth and table.
This vintage modern booth came to us all the way from Amsterdam via one of our most favorite stores ever, Amsterdam Modern.  Check out their website and try not to drool all over your key board.

Aaron and the kids built this table for me using this base we found at a store in Palm Springs.  It was grey and uninspiring, but they worked magic on in and turned it into a fabulous piece of furniture. (see all their magic here.  Aaron even got a mention on Shelteriffc for his table transformation)

He also hung some cool art.  
This ICE painting and the Bialetti painting over the stove, both painted by Aaron.

Now this corner of our kitchen is one of the most oft used and well loved places in our home.

The last detail I've added was to paint the door leading to the laundry room turquoise.  
A turquoise door?
I got some grief--until people see it and then they realize it works.
I may just be a girl  with no art or decorating degree, but sometimes I know stuff.
Besides, you can seldom go wrong with turquoise.

So that's it.
Now here's the trouble spot:

We still have those horrible brown, faux wood counters.  Not faux wood in the cool way you see now.
Faux wood in the bad 70s way that should not have happened.
There's the cracked and dirty tile back splash from the 50s.  It's cool that it's original, but not cool that I can't get it clean and pretty.
And believe me, I have tried.
The sink is a stained shade of yellow and scratched as all get out.
There is no garbage disposal and no dishwasher.
I have 3 kids and 1 in the oven.
Perhaps I sound greedy, but I am ready for a dishwasher, dang it!
So all that is in the works.
And, coming soon.
Get ready.

Next up I'll talk about our vintage metal cabinets, which we are keeping, finding a vintage style sink and choosing our vintage style, Formica counter tops.
Oh yeah, I said it, FORMICA.
Don't be a hater.
Just wait and see.

Love from,

PS.  Speaking of Shelteriffic,they have a recipe up right now for Arugula Lemon Pesto.
Arugula and lemon are 2 things I love deeply.  DEEPLY.  I love you Shelteriffic. 
Go see.


  1. Love the turquoise door, Greta! :)

  2. love the red flooring, love the turquoise door, i think your kitchen is cute just the way it is, but i am excited to see the final product. so happy for you!

  3. did aaron install the red floor? and if so is it pretty easy? I love the color. I was thinking tile but tile chips and maybe linoleum (NOT VINYL) would work for me..hadn't thought about it but yours is very cool!!
    Looking forward as well to see the final, especially countertops

  4. love the look Greta! Well done, girlie

  5. I love the kitchen. I confess to a little jealousy over the stove! :o)

  6. Aww... Greta! Thanks for the love. And I love the progress so far -- can't wait to see which formica you end up with, and if it's the same pattern I've been wanting (you and I have such similar taste)!


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