Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Baked it: Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day

The results are in.
I will be buying this book after I return my copy to the library.
The bread is good people.
And there are many, many more recipes that I want to try.

I only made a half batch because I wasn't sure how it would be.
We decimated the 2 loaves at dinner.
So tomorrow I will make a full recipe.
And I'll be back to give you all the details.
But right now I am too tired because I just posted the world's longest entry on our amazing hike to a waterfall last week.  

But lots of you were interested in this bread and I want you to try it.
Because it was easy and oh so good.
Check back for the details.

Love from,


  1. I am doing this on Sunday. Wish me lots of luck because when I tried the bagels I completely failed.

  2. that looks amazing! i MUST locate this book and try it too. beautiful photos, you're a talented girl;)


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