Monday, April 18, 2011

Meet Our Swordfish--New Art for the Living Room

The big, green wall in our living room has been empty since we moved in almost 2 years ago.
It's been waiting for just the right piece of art.
Which would seem like no big deal since I am married to an artist whose paintings grace other walls around the house.
But in much the same way that doctor's children are said to often be sick or the cobbler's children to be without shoes, so our wall went without art.
I'm not judging him--the man has a full time job, 3 kids to spend time with, a wife and a fixer-upper house with a lot of fixing up that needs to be done.
His plate is full.
But a couple of weeks ago he finally finished Sam.
And now Sam lives above our couch and we really, really like him.

Yes, Sam is a big, turquoise swordfish.
He looks beautiful against our bright green wall.  (notice a trend here with the color palette in our home?)
When Aaron hung him up, he asked me, "is it too weird for the house?"
Weird yes.
Too weird?  For us?  Definitely not!  

Besides loving the color, the way he left the wood grain to show through on the lettering, the font style he used and yes, even the shape, I love this painting because it reminds me so much of my husband.
It encapsulates so many things he loves.
1.  He has wanted a giant fish to hang on our wall for a long time.  You know the kind that fishermen get on the big trip to Hawaii or Mexico and hang it as a trophy for all to see for all time.  Like this.  (I admit to liking this waaaaay better than that)
2.  He loves typography and this one he made is really cool.
3.  He loves vintage signs.
4.  He loves vintage tiki bar stuff.

Our Sam was inspired by this vintage sign.

It is from a real tiki bar in Sunset Beach, CA.  It is right on PCH and has been there since the 1960s.  To anyone who is a tiki buff, this place is kind of a shrine.  Here is one of the original menus.

A few years ago, it was slated to be torn down and turned into condos.  Aaron made sure to get photos of the sign with hopes of doing a painting of it someday.
Somehow it was saved, but it is Sam's no longer.  They did keep the sign, but now it says "Don's".  We like the original and so... Sam was born.
(if you like the vintage tiki bar atmosphere and Hawaiian style food, you can still go to Sam's/Don's for a tropical beverage or a meal.  Get info here)

Here are some close ups of Aaron's mad skills with Sam the Swordfish.
He cut him out of a big piece of birch with a jig saw.
He did all the lettering freehand.  Can you say perfection?  
Perhaps he missed his  calling as a surgeon cause the man has a steady hand.
He left the wood grain to show through as Sam's eye and the lettering.
I like Sam's cheerful smile.

He mounted Sam on wood strips, painted to match the wall of course, so he would stand out from the wall and have more of a presence.

And a presence he does, indeed, have.

Like so many of the things in our home, we go with what we love.
And that even means hanging a giant, wooden swordfish in our living room.
Welcome home, Sam!

Love from,

PS.  Linking up to Life Made Lovely today.  Take a look.  There are sure to be lots of great Easter craft ideas if our swordfish isn't your thing.


  1. sam is so delightful!!! L O V E him! he seems perfect for your cozy space.

  2. I lovelovelovelove this!! Well done, Aaron!
    I totally get the love of Tiki art (my craft/play room is my Tiki art gallery).

  3. My son Sam would love this! Very nice!

  4. I love this... especially since it's an "original"... your home is adorable... ;-)

  5. I love this! 31 years ago tomorrow we had our wedding reception at Sam's.

  6. Your husband is an amazing artist. I love this! And my husband and I were big fans of Sam's. We haven't made it since it changed ownership again but I'm thinking we should give it a try.

  7. Cool sign, and Greta, I just loved your post about packing your husband a lunch. Thanks for the encouragement to love my husband in that same way.

  8. Oh, I {heart} Sam. Definitely something I would hang in my house. Aaron's art is fabulous.

  9. I just came across your blog from Life Made Lovely and I just wanted to tell you how much I love Sam. Too cute! And definitely not too weird.

  10. LOVE IT!!! Pretty sure I need a SAM in my home!!
    Sadie Jane

  11. I love him!!! HE is perfect! My husband did a dolphin, now I wish he was bigger. Your hubby did a fantastic job!


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