A couple of weeks ago, Aaron showed me an email he got from Design Within Reach.
"Check it out," he said. "You should go."

So I did.
I didn't know a soul. When I got there, people were eating food, mingling, laughing, wearing heels and I felt the teeniest bit out of place. But I didn't mind. (more on that here)
There was food. Wine. Free stuff.

But even better than food that I didn't have to cook, and a free print that I have long loved, was listening to other bloggers discuss this thing we do called blogging. A bit more than a year ago I had never been on a blog. And there I was, at a blogging event. I enjoyed being in a room with people who like blogging as much as I do. Who don't say, "I just don't have the time" but instead admit to late late nights and giving up things on the weekend to blog. It's worth it. We do it because we love it. (do you like how I am classifying myself with the panel?)
And not everyone was in heels. (This gentleman also wore a dark blazer with his white jeans and black chucks. I loved his outfit)
It was held in the Design Within Reach Tools For Living Showroom in Santa Monica. It was full of furniture, colors, clocks and even tape, that I love. Just being in their store gives me creative energy.
One major idea I took away from the Blog Out Loud event had to do with Twitter. I have resisted Twitter quite strongly. I know nothing about it really, it just seemed rather ridiculous to me. What do you do with Twitter, type, "waiting in line at Starbucks" into your phone for all the world to see your tweet?
Apparently there is a bit more to it than that. And if you want your blog to grow beyond family and friends, which I unabashedly do, (but still sending love to all my family and friends) I might have to step it up a notch. Does this mean I have to learn how to text? And learn what all those letters mean: WWED, BFF, SYNS and all the rest?
We'll find out. I'm definitely going to the next Blog Out Loud event and it is all about Twitter.
I can't end this post without a shout out about my swag bag. My favorite item is this print. It is from Ink and Wit. I have seen this print before and I loved it. I love a good ABC print, I love the animals and the colors? Well, it just so happens our schoolroom is turquoise and yellow. This print works beautifully in there.
Ink and Wit has lots of other great stuff. Be sure to check them out.
I also loved the postcard made of wood veneer from Tiny Pine Press.
And the zippered bag, from Amenity. I looked on their site and I loved their baby bedding line. This pillow case would look so good in the kids' room since I am making it all foresty. I wouldn't want them to sleep on it though. It is too cute. Luckily you can buy it as a print too.
So it was a good night. I suggest you head over to the Blog Out Loud website. It is a great resource. Even if you can;t make it to an event, you have a wealth of information at your fingertips. Make use of it.
Happy blogging!
Oh I am so happy you got to go to an event. I have been reaching out to some other bloggers about getting out there more too. It sometimes seems so exhausting and overwhelming though. Look at Pioneer Woman though! Started as a blogger and now she has a cookbook on the NY Times Bestseller list (#1 in fact). Amazing.
Thanks for sharing. I need to learn Twitter. I have also been avoiding it, but fear I no longer may be able to. Could you let me know when the next Blog Out Loud event (the one where they talk about Twitter) is? It may be worth the drive. And even if I can't make it, I know people in that area that would benefit.
ooooh, have loved that abc print too! now i need to see pics of the schoolroom. :)
I'm so touched an happy that you feel that you're part of the panel {because you could have been!}all bloggers are really part of blog out loud. Your value is your unique perspective no matter your tenure, and without 'you' we couldn't be doing these events as successfully.
Thank you for coming {being a mom, I know it's not easy to go out on a 'school night'}
oh and btw, annie, email me and i'll give you the scoop on the next event.
That is great! I was at the same event and enjoyed it as you did. Have you started tweeting yet?
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