Don't you love getting mail? I mean real mail, not catalogues, or even magazines, but real mail. I do. One of my favorite things about going to summer camp was getting mail from my new friends after camp was over. I stalked the mail man all summer long.
I like getting packages too. It is so fun to see that box waiting for you with some new treat waiting inside.
This week I got 2 lovely packages in the mail. 2!
The first one was from a blog giveaway I won. How much fun! I don't often win contests and so it was a real surprise. The blog is Small Measure, written by Ashley English. I really enjoy her blog. It is about country living, raising chickens, growing food and most deliciously, about canning and preserving.
I won this.
I was planning on getting the book anyway, just for the cover art alone, but now I really, really want the book. I hope you get it too. It is good to support our friends who are following their passions. It is available on Amazon for pre-order.
Next up: These little lovelies.
Red. Saltwater Sandals. Oh My.
When I showed them to Aaron, he said, "you want those?"
Heck yeah I do!
But I think these are kind of a love em or hate em item.
They are salt water sandals, the kind little kids wear. They are fire engine red. They are a statement.
Yep. I love them.
We both saw them ages ago in Blueprint magazine. (another great magazine gone) She actually ordered herself some right then and there. And now I have mine.

I think I want yellow next.
My philosophy is, if you really like something, you should own it in several colors, or every color if you and your pocketbook are so inclined. At $30 a pair, you might just be able to own them in all your favorite colors!
Come spring, Lilly will have a pair, and the boys. Except Aaron. He, apparently, is not a fan. Usually Aaron has much better fashion sense than me. Actually I have no fashion sense at all. But there are times when I step out on my own. I might look back in 10 years and wonder what in the world I was thinking, but for now, I am smitten.
I'm off to enjoy an afternoon snack of apple butter and toast. Check in tomorrow for my pinto bean recipe. I have food on the brain.
Yeah! So, so glad you like it! And, funnily enough, I have the EXACT same sandals bookmarked in my "to buy" folder! I first found mention of them on wiksten-made ( over one year ago! They look adorable on you!
i have those red saltwater's too. and white. and tan. and i love love love them. they are so cute. and so cozy. enjoy!
Well, well, well. It looks like my fashion sense may not be as bad as my dear husband thinks!
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