Hi, I'm back for my Monday post. But instead of Monday morning, it is Monday night. I had an allergy attack last night. I usually just suffer through them, but it was so bad I had to take something. I think in my snot induced stupor, I took a night time pill rather than a day time one. For me, that is equivalent to taking a sleeping pill or 2.
Anyway, I was writing my post for Lilly and the Brothers, and was having a hard time thinking. By the time I got to writing here, I felt like Captain Kirk: "must...write...blog....post...must...fold....laundry......must...do...dishes...must...sleep."
I slept.
Now I am here, better late than never. However, I warn you, further posts will be sporadic this week. I have Halloween costumes to make. 3 of them. Cause I am one of those kind of moms. (Insane? Glutton for punishment? Likes to make costumes for her kids when they would be just as happy with a plastic one from Target? Yep. That's me.) But do check in. I promise I will find some time to fit in a post or 2 between gluing felt to sweatshirts and spray painting 2 liter soda bottles.
The finds:
I made it to another used book sale this weekend. I didn't even know about it, but one of my blogging buddies (thanks Andrea) alerted me. While it wasn't nearly as fantastic as my last used book sale, I did manage to find some treasures.
Pinocchio, Robin Hood (unabridged) Rudyard Kipling, these are on the reading list for next year! So glad I found them for a quarter.
This is because I can't resist vintage graphics. Especially when they cost me a dime. Isn't that what a phone call used to cost?
And really, who can resist a cowboy book? Especially when it has a list of "rodeo words"! I love it.
I have found that used book sales make me a little crazy. My heart starts beating rapidly the moment I walk in the door and see all the books. My mouth gets dry. I sweat. If I have to, I am ready to push people out of my way to get at a good book.
I have to get my fix.
There could be worse things.
Another find:
I first saw their goods while I was wandering through San Luis Obispo a few weeks past. I immediately fell in love and vowed to buy something soon. Then I saw this photo on another website I love: The Bright Side Project.
Bright Side was featuring Yellow Owl's lovely trophy vase,

but what I really love are the stamp sets.

There is a winterscape too. And a sea scape. I love them. I really, really do. Go look.
Also, they have wonderful cards.
If you go right here to Bright Side, you have a chance to win the trophy vase.
Either way, just check out both of these sites and you'll be a winner!
Happy Monday to ya!
okay I have to post what I found tomorrow. We kept it to a minimum this time since we were on a bit of a time constraint, but we did find a world almanac for 50 cents! it's from 1963 but it's still beautiful.
I saw that Robin Hood book there! I showed up at 1 and looked around to see if I'd recognize you but did not see any blonde children running around so I must have missed you. Oh, have you heard of the Pioneer Woman by the way? Found her site tonight and she is a homeschooling mama of 4 so I thought of you.
I LOVE used books also,we have a great little indepenent used bookstore just a few miles from us and it is a dangerous place for me to go! My middle girl is a voracious reader, she can polish off a book a day if all we had to do was reading! It makes buying books for her affordable when we can buy the used!
(I'm making costumes too... love homemade sooooo much better than store bought when it comes to that sort of thing!)
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