Why do we blog? We blog because we've got something to say.
At Lilly and the Brothers, I blog because I have something to say to my children. When they're grown and wed, with little ones of their own, I want them to know their mama walked through those very same days with them.
I have something to say to my grandchildren when they want to know where they came from and to hear the stories of their family. Because even if I am not around to tell them, my words will be still be here.
I have something to say to the other mamas, those who stay home and those who don't. Those who home school and those who don't. Those who've miscarried and those who haven't. Those who want to know they are not the only ones sleep deprived and cranky. Those who want to head outside to explore and re-connect with nature and their babes.
I have something to say to the parents who love their kids and want to raise them well. I want to share ideas with you.
I have something to say about this job of parenting, the most joyous and difficult and important job I will ever have.
At Picnics in the Park, I blog because I have something to say about taking care of a home. It matters. It's important.
I have something to say about cooking from scratch. It tastes better. It's fun. And sharing recipes is one of my favorite things to do.
I have something to say about decorating and color and re-painting that ugly old night stand. You'll feel so good when you do.
I have stories to tell.
I have books to share with you.
I have places you should visit.
I have something to say about vintage and finding beauty in cast off things. Like typewriters and old lamps.
I have something to say about all the little things that make life happier.

Thank you, Rachel, for hosting Blog Sugar and for allowing me an evening with my own kind. When I first signed up, I didn't know a soul who was going. But then an old friend said she'd be there. And a newer friend. And a blogging friend.
And while I was there I met a lady I saw the day before at swimming lessons and she reads my blog. And I read hers.
And then, and then and then.
The whole night was like that.
It was fun. Lots of fun.
Blogging has opened worlds for me. This was one of them.
So glad I went and met lots of new friends.
Of whom I did not get one picture! What the heck? I was too busy taking picture of things, eating treats and talking. Oh well.
There will be another.
I can't wait!
Love from,
It was so great to "meet" you and chat with you. You are just a delight and I am so glad i got to put a face to the blog name. Maybe I'll see you at the pool again! :) xoxo Nancy
so great to meet you the other night! it was fun! :)
I'm so grateful for reading your blogs. You truly were the inspiration for me to start writing. Thank you!
I loved talking with you! There was so much I learned from you. I can not wait to read your blogs from this day forward.
Wow - it sounds like such a fun event!!!! how cool :D
Green with envy I tell you! just poking around meeting the folks Rachel listed on her blog from Blog Sugar ~ the fun encouraging event I don't get to go to!! he he! Blogging is a blessing! love it! love the community of amazing women! nice to meet you !
So glad you are nurturing yourself and honing your craft. KEEP IT UP!
Greta, it was so wonderful finally meeting you in person! Hopefully we can continue to meet up like that, as opposed to just online :)
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