Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Surprised By Beauty--Another Sunrise

Yes, friends, another sunrise.
But let me tell you, I have been sick. And I am tired. Boy am I tired.
And my baby girl wakes early.
So when I walk into the living room and see this out my window, (power lines and all) I feel a deep sense of joy and thankfulness. And it lifts that weighty fatigue just a little.

Sunrise for me is a magical moment. I am weary. Not yet ready to face the day and then, there is this amazing sight that lifts my spirits. I often catch my breath, or gasp, completely taken in.
I have not seen a sunrise that did not fill me with a surge of energy and joy.
Surprised by beauty. Aren't we grateful for it?
What beauty is surprising you these days?

"The world is so full of a number of things,
I'm sure we should all be happy as kings."
Robert Louis Stevenson

*With credit to CS Lewis for the original title idea and to Lilly, for waking me up early every morning.

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