We finally hung my cuckoo clock this weekend. It's only been 2 months. But we have good excuses. The pendulum was missing so we needed to go back to the store, which isn't right next door. But mostly, we didn't know where to hang it.
There was one place that seemed just perfect. The only place really. But it is a high traffic area and we thought it might just be too tempting to pull on those chains.
We hung it there anyway and thus far no one has bothered it at all. Not even Miss Trouble.
I love that cuckoo clock. I am already dreaming of my next one.
Thanks babe, for such a thoughtful and awesome gift.
I decided it was high time I get this end table painted. Cause that is how I chill out.
The boys helped me sand it and I began painting it. I asked Aaron to paint the inside of the handles because he has a much steadier hand than I do. He sweetly took over the whole operation. That means it will look much, much better than if I did it. It also means there are no pictures to show you yet because he does things like sand after he puts on a new coat.
Like I said, it will look much, much better since he's doing it.
Pictures in a couple days. I can't wait.
It is also fun to pick paint colors.
Astonishingly, both Aaron and I hit on this same color scheme for the house without even talking to each other or seeing the other's choice. Aaron has very strong opinions about color. So do I, although not as strong as his, so this is pretty amazing.
It is a lot different than our original idea of bright white, turquoise and orange or apple green, but I like this direction. It is still mid century. Just more ranch and less atomic. No matter what, it will look better than what we have.
I am also working on some curtains for the kids' room. Hoping to have pictures to show you by Wednesday.
I am having fun with projects right now.
Also, wanted to share some blogs with you that I have been reading lately.
1. I just found this one last night. Kelle takes amazing pictures of her kids and her life with them. They are just beautiful. But what drew me in was this story--the birth story of her daughter, born with Downs Syndrome. She had no idea her daughter had Downs until they placed her in her arms. I am so impressed by her honesty and openness. Read it when you have a few minutes and some tissues.
2. I have become a big fan of this blog. Rachel shares my love of all things vintage, but she also writes wonderfully about motherhood and life. You'll want to browse around.
3. I am really trying to gain a little fashion sense from the posts on this blog. Andrea has this great section called "playgrounds and lollipops" with her tips on fashion for moms. While I know I will never be as fashionable as she is, I am trying to put in a little extra effort when I get dressed in the morning.
4. This blog is brand new. You should read from the beginning and you'll be amazed at what an incredible lady my friend Katie is.
5. This is a great blog. Of course I LOVE it--it's about vintage children's books. Check this one out--one of my favorite authors and very favorite illustrators. I'd love to have this one. (hint hint) She does a give away every Monday so check in!
All right, I think that is enough to keep you busy for a while! I'll be back tomorrow with my Lego organizing reveal as well as 2, new to me Etsy shops I want to share with you.
Happy Tuesday, friends!
I LOVE your color scheme. You guys have such a great sense of style and direction with your home.
P.S. Thanks for the blog shout out!
Love the color scheme! A little word of warning: if the paint is Dunn Edwards, I did a large sample of Sea Glass and found that it looks really minty green. If this is the direction you wanna go, hurray!
Love, Betsi*
Oh Greta, thanks so much for the shout out! I really appreciate the kind words. And I'm going cuckoo over that cuckoo clock!
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