Sunday, April 29, 2012

Gone Camping

Hello friends!
We're headed North, to Santa Barbara for a few days of beach camping.
It's the first leg of one of my favorite drives.
And we'll be passing one of my favorite signs--the Wagon Wheel.
The past couple of months have been incredibly busy.
I am so looking forward to some relaxing time with my family.
Well, as relaxing as tent camping with 3 kids and 1 crawling baby can be.
So here's to gourmet s'mores, playing cards by lantern light, exploring new places, and, of course, stopping for vintage signs.
I can't wait!
I'll see you soon with lots of pictures.
Love from,


hennymats said...

Have fun!

Cailan said...

Beach Camping! Oh, what fun. Not that I can claim to be much of a camper, but camping on the beach sounds completely worth any minor inconvenience. Hope you have so much fun and can't wait to see pictures!
love, cailan