So I've been gone for a bit. It feels like ages since I've been here. I did manage to get in one post over at Lilly and the Brothers, but let me tell you, late night holiday frivolity and sick kids do not mesh well with blogging. Especially the sick kids. In fact, just now, as I begin to write at 11:59 pm, a child somewhere in our home begins to cry. Thankfully my husband went to him and let me stay here. This mama needs a little break.
And what better to tonic for my weariness than these great gifts from the indie arts and craft fair, Patchwork Long Beach. I know, it happened ages ago. But you know that you still have shopping to do, and are a few more of my favorites.
First, check out these belt buckles from Domestic Nest.
Do you see the pink one? Do you? I was in love instantly. I love a good belt. And I have been longing for a big ol buckle like this for a long time, but I have never seen one this cute. The one with stars is pretty awesome, too.
She also has these pendants. They are sweet, simple, modern and rustic. Really, could you ask for anything more? The pendants are made from leather, too.
Please go visit the Domestic Nest Etsy shop here. They also have a blog, here. (They are having a giveaway right now--a leather coffee cup cuff and a $10 Starbucks gift card. Go visit!) I'll be visiting the shop soon myself. I'm saving my pennies for one of those buckles.
Next up are some things by Random Nicole. I loved her wall hangings. Birds, fabric, witty sayings, mention of hammocks--I'm in love.

I also loved these mobiles. I love that they are fabric and totally unique. They are actually sold as kits so you can make these babies yourself.
She is also part of a very, very cool place I have just discovered. If you are closer to the OC than LA and you want to take some great crafting classes, please check out The Craft Kitchen here. It looks amazing.
Jenny and Jimbob are the creators of these great little necklaces and the fabulous matchboxes they come in. There were so many choices, but I am pretty partial to the # 3 myself. They sold out of the # 5, or I would have gotten it. I like 5 right now.
There were a lot more than numbers, though. I like that bike a lot. Ginger, my sailor friend, really liked that anchor.
You can find these and many, many more on Jenny and Jimbob's website, right here. You are sure to find something perfect for your neck, or the neck of someone you love.
Next I found rebe. I liked so many of her clothes, but this jacket was at the top of my list.
It is all the details that make it spectacular. The tie rather than buttons. That it ties on the side, up high, more interesting and flattering. I like how the fabric on the hood and the tie match and add a bit of color to the jacket. I like how it is way, way cuter than a sweatshirt but could be worn just as easily. Oh, my wish list just keeps growing.
Last, but not least, one of my most favorite shops around, Rock Scissor Paper.
I have been a fan of Rock Scissor Paper for at least 7 years. Maybe 8? The great thing about them is that they just keep getting better and better. Their stationary is amazing. I am a HUGE stationary fan. I have been since little girlhood. The stationary store in downtown Fallbrook was one of my favorite haunts.
But this is about RSP.
While I am still madly in love with their cards and other stationary products, they have so much more. Check it out.
Can I just get this whole mug collection?
Or these owl pillows for the kids' room, and my room and the living room....
When I look at their stuff, I do.
Please visit their online store here, and their blog here. Look at the owl in the wreath on the blog. You will swoon. So amazing.
Oh, and check back here Friday to see what I made with some awesome Christmas coasters I bought from them. (Well, as long as these sick kids don't keep me tied to the bathroom, the Kleenex box and the washing machine.)
I hear there is going to be another Patchwork Long Beach in the spring. I'll keep you posted. And when it comes, go, go, go!!! Tell your friends.
Until then, remember, don't go to the mall, buy your gifts from these peeps. They are doing what they love so show some love back.
Merry Christmas friends. It's good to be back. Hoping to be here tomorrow too.
But maybe not cause now another baby is awake. It is 1:36 am. Oh bother!
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